Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat

Jack, Davis, Holly, Delaney (one of the neighbors), Taylor, and I headed out for a night of trick or treating fun! Or should I say, Thor, Spiderman, a mime, hotdog, fairy and a makeshift Cat Woman took to the streets of The Arbors at Dogwood. The boys were troopers and walked to most of the houses and when Davis got tired we took turns pulling him in the wagon! Everyone looked fabulous in their costumes and made it home with loads of candy.

My favorite moment of the night was, "...this is the best house ever it's like a giant candy buffet..." Jack Hill, age 5.

Yes that's a human hotdog!

Thor, SpiderMan, & CatWoman

Saturday, October 29, 2011

That's My Boy, Number 99!

ack decided he wanted to try his hand at football and what better place to experience it than good ol' Texas! I registered Jack to play Pop Warner football for the fall and practice started way back in August, the two weeks of fitnessing in the heat of August is no joking matter. Jack was such a trooper no complaining about the running, exercises, or practicing in gear with temps hitting 100!

Our season has consisted of Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday practices from 6:00-8:00 and games every Saturday and most Sundays! It is a huge commitment because if kids don't show up we have to forfeit and the kids are so disappointed! I have loved watching Jack interact with his teammates and learn that even if you are the smallest you can still be an allstar player! Jack is smiling every game and even when he gets knocked down (which is most of the time) he hops right back up. The greatest highlight of the season was his first tackle, followed by holding steady and not being tackled!

Davis & I have cheered him on each week and are a football family through and through!

Davis taking a break with his Sonic & Netflix!

Number 99 to the line

Such a great smile!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

SeaWorld Halloween

The boys, my nieces, sister, and I loaded up and headed to San Antonio for a SeaWorld Halloween! We purchased season passes this summer and have definitely enjoyed going to the park for the day (the waterpark wasn't part of today's outing) and today was a fun Halloween opportunity! There aren't a lot of pumpkin patches in the area, so we have to find new ways to celebrate holidays. The park was decked out in an aquatic Halloween manner and isn't too spooky during the daylight hours. We saw some shows, went on a "haunted" maze, trick-or-treated, and rode some rides! It was a great day and we stopped at Maggiano's on the way home!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fall Festival Booker T Washington Style

So, one of the extras of having a kindergartener is being pulled into the PTO. We all know how much I love to volunteer and this is no different, so I helped organize the Fall Festival to raise funds for the school. The festival had a rock climbing wall, face painting, Halloween photo ops, hair dye, hair tinsel, cupcake walk, games galore, and yummy food. My niece Holly went along to take Jack & Davis to the different classrooms while I helped run booths and tie hair tinsel. I am so appreciative that the boys have such a great cousin who helps out so much!

Jack with his snake face painting!

A quick cheese opportunity, and checking in with Mom!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Elgin Wildcat Homecoming

Okay so homecoming is a big deal in Texas, I mean huge! Mums are worn by the girls the bigger the better and it has to have a cowbell. Yes you read that right, a cowbell! Garters are the attire for the boys and again it needs to make some kind of noise, so a cowbell or a whistle! So, I tried my hand at making cowbells and garters for we were decked out for our homecoming game! Oh and t-shirts were a must too, and nothing is too much!

Jack loves to watch football and Davis loves to eat all the concession foods, so overall we can make it through at least 3/4th of a game! I will miss the thrill of high school football when we move back to Connecticut, but for now will savor it all!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October, How I Love Thee

Wow, it's October already! I haven't been so good about posting, but have been busy with everyday life (and man is it exhausting exciting).

I love October, who doesn't?! The crisp fall mornings, apple orchards, pumpkin gathering, seeing the foliage go through the color spectrum, delicious Starbucks' drinks, and don't even get me started on boots. This is the norm for fall...until Texas. I have to say we have had cooler mornings down in the sixties, but quickly getting to the nineties or even hundreds. Apples are gathered from HEB or if I am feeling daring Fiesta. Pumpkins will perish in this climate, so have to save that until the last minute. Foliage is all brown, silly drought. Starbuck's doesn't disappoint though, except nearest one is 15 minutes away. But, guess what my boots don't let me down at all. I do get to wear my tall boots and still wear flip flops, too and did I forget to mention I can wear cowboy boots anytime I want! Gotta love that!!!

The boys have been enjoying "fall", too. We still get to swim and go to the park without melting. Apples from the grocery store can still be doctored with caramel, for some gourmet caramel apple slices. Those crisp mornings are when we play our football game, but practice is in that heat.

So, here's to a new way to spending the fall!