Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Day of School

Wow it really happened, Jack started Kindergarten!

I had an emotional time today remembering all that has happened over the past five years and cannot put into words how hard it was to drop off my Jack-Jack for all day school. I was quite proud of myself, I didn't cry until I left him inside his school. I don't know if the hardest part was not having Andy there to share in the day and imagine what the future will be like for Jack. I know he was there in spirit and it helped that we did get to talk to Andy a couple of days prior to it.

Jack on the other hand was ready to take off and never look back! He was super excited about specials, Monday is Art, Tuesday is Gym, Wednesday is Music, Thursday is Gym, and Friday is Computers. He informed me that Monday and Friday would be the best days of the week, that boy loves Art and Computers! He picked out his first day of clothes all by himself, which also made me realize how independent he is. Plus his shirt matches his personality and cracks me up!

So, here is to the next thirteen years (and then however long college takes) to one of the brightest and kindest little boys I love!

Jack all ready to head out! I love the monkey!!!

Eating breakfast at school, he requested to eat there!

Back to school night, all smiles!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Butter Cow and Family

The boys and I headed to Missouri and Iowa for a little R&R! I love being able to see my parents and Andy's parents and also spending time with extended family! We also got to catch up with old friends that we made while stationed at Iowa State University!

We spent a few days in Missouri and I am thankful that I got to spend time with my Aunt JoAn, who recently lost her battle with cancer. The boys were happy to spend time with cousins who are just as rowdy as they are!

Next up on our trip was a six hour drive to Iowa! Jack and Davis chatted pretty much non stop about the Iowa State Fair and what it would be like. Jack was looking forward to carnival games and Davis was dreaming about corn dogs.

We made our first stop in Ames and checked into the Gateway Hotel, which was also housing a few of the Republican Presidential Candidates. Iowa State was hosting 2012 GOP Presidential Candidates debate and straw poll while we were in town. Nothing like seeing politicians over eggs in the restaurant, not to mention security in the elevators. Even though town was a little busier than usual, the boys and I got a visit into Reiman Gardens, walked around ISU, drove around the town were we used to live (Jack liked seeing his first house), and spent time with friends.

After our fun in Ames, we headed to Des Moines for the state fair (or as Jack calls it THE Iowa State Fair). It was the 100th birthday of the butter cow. Yes, a giant rotating cow that is carved out of butter. I love it! We were fortunate to be able to stay with family and meet a new cousin, too! Andy's mom, dad, brother and his girlfriend drove up for the weekend and got to enjoy all the festivities, too. Jack and Davis loved the tattoos (every vendor/school gives them out), animals, games, mini LegoLand, giant slide, and all the yummy food. Jack asked before we left Iowa, can we come back next year? Which I promptly answered, "Of course!"

Who doesn't love food on a stick and smelly animals?

Jack & Davis with the Gnome

When does our photographer get back, self portraits aren't easy!

Jack (and his slew of tattoos, his forehead says Got Milk?) on the Little Hands Farm

Giant Slide Round 1

Gramma & Jack on the SkyLine

Davis enjoying his corn dog & lemonade

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Yikes Football!

Jack started football this week and boy am I worried! Two hour evening practices for two weeks for conditioning, than three two hour practices until the end of season and games. Wow, that's a lot and it's still in the triple digits here. I have been shoving water at him every hour during the day and nonstop during practice. But, I know he loves it because not one complaint about how heavy his equipment is or how hot it is! I guess I need to get used to being a football mom...

Jack with his helmet, I need to take a pic in full gear!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Quality Time, Isn't That Everyday?

I think that sometimes life is zipping by, but I know that I spend quality time with my kiddos everyday. And in the end isn't that all that will matter? This weekend we spent our time swimming, watching movies at home, playing Guess Who, coloring, making Star Wars finger puppets, going to see Smurfs, and a nice dinner out at Cheesecake Factory.

Somedays I stress about not being the best mommy, but then forget those worries as I look at my two giggly little guys who love me. I think nothing can beat waking up to little smiles and good morning hugs. I look forward to hearing the answers to did you sleep well? Sometimes I get elaborate stories about dreams, and other mornings just a nod and request for strawberry milk. It is a joy and honor to be a mommy, and I am sure the world is a better place because of my Jack & Davis.

Jack Jack being silly

Davis debating if he wants to eat his cherry

The proud mommy of two great little guys!