Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter!

This past Sunday we spent the day celebrating Easter. The morning started with Easter baskets, a breakfast of chocolate covered anything and chewy jellybeans, blowing bubbles in our pajamas, prepping Easter dinner and a phone call to Andy (at work). After getting dressed for church (which meant monitoring Davis to make sure no chocolate was bestowed on his clothes) and a few quick pictures, we headed out to Grace Lutheran.

It is so nice to have a home church again, and Easter service was wonderful! I particularly liked the end of the sermon where Pastor reminded us that every Sunday is a little like Easter, a time to remember that Jesus died for our sins and God gave us the opportunity to have eternal life. Following service, we visited a little and then headed outside for the Easter Egg Hunt. The boys had so much fun collecting eggs, pencils, and candy. Davis only wanted to pick up the candy that was on the ground and pretty much bypassed every egg. He was focused! Jack loved every aspect of the hunt and was polite and shared with his cousins (who are to old now) afterwards.

When we got home, the kids changed into their play clothes and headed outdoors, while Terri and I finished getting our dinner together. Kevin got home from work and our fantastic dinner (late lunch) ensued. After stuffing our tummies, and a brief rest swimming fun began! Holly and Jack have been begging to go swimming and swam for about an hour (but the water was a little chilly still)!

Our day was different this year, as most year's celebrations are. Last year the boys and I (Andy was out to sea) attended church by ourselves and then had brunch with some fabulous friends, Cait and Sondra (who was pregnant with Harper). Even with all of the different ways we celebrate, the day of celebration is the same, "Christ is risen!"

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Our Journey to Texas

It has been a little over two months since the boys and I left Connecticut. Wow, time has flown by! We had a wonderful visit with my parents and Andy's parents. The days were filled with running around, playing, visiting family, and just catching up on life. The three weeks flew by and with a quick jaunt for me back to Connecticut for the Silent Services Charity Auction, it was time to head to Texas. My dad flew to Connecticut and helped me with the drive back to Missouri. The drive was pretty uneventful besides snow and a flat tire in Indiana (a pot hole tried to eat my car). After a pit stop to pick up the boys and load up my car (and my parents), the journey continued. We arrived in Texas, March 9th and have fell right into step with our "new" schedules.

Jack started soccer and enjoys it, but at times would rather be a helicopter than a soccer player. He also enjoys chatting with other players about anything and everything. Throw in a couple of kicks and running towards the ball and that sums up our Tuesday & Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons. Jack also started back to Pre-K in Elgin and loves his new teacher Mrs. Noonan and making new friends!

Davis is living the life, he has two cousins who dote on him as well as an aunt and uncle. The "terrible twos" show themselves occasionally and those are the days that his alter ego "Mavis" takes over. Beware!

I have been busy getting settled in and am currently redecorating my niece Holly's room. She is going to be eleven and was ready for a tween/teenager room. The end result should be cute, but just lots of stuff to do (removing princess theme border, painting, new bed and bedding, some crafty projects, and removing clutter should take care of it).

We all miss Andy (Daddy), but are very fortunate to have the opportunity to be with family. We do get to talk to him most nights or face-time on our phone (haven't done Skype yet), and are dreading when the time comes for that to be less regular.

So, please feel free to follow our crew on this journey to Texas and beyond.