Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pre-K Graduation, Where Did Time Go?!?

This morning was an emotional time for me, my Jack-Jack graduated from Pre-K. Wow, that means he will be a real student next year and for the next 12-16 years. It also means my time for snuggles and eskimo kisses is probably going to slow down. Don't get me wrong, Jack has always been my independent child and able to figure out most things on his own, but he still lets me be his best friend, most days. I am thinking my days of being his best friend (which is my title when Daddy is gone) are limited, and soon a friend from school will take that role. But today, I was still that best friend who got to watch him sing his songs, hear about all the silliness of the day, and take him to a celebratory movie; and I would not trade it for anything in the world.

Congratulations, Jack!